Monday, 9 June 2014

Meetings & Services

Seventh Breast Cancer Fighters Workshop

New Delhi – Batra Hospital, Batra Cancer Centre in collaboration with Cancer Sahyog and Swar Spandan, organized a free one day interdisciplinary workshop for patients treated for breast cancer, India International Centre, Max Muellar Marg, New Delhi on Sunday August 29, 2010. This was a great success and was taken very well by the participants.
We had a record number of registrations and patients from all over NCR region attended this awareness workshop.

The CEO of Batra Hospital inaugrated the workshop with a very informative speech and reaffirmed his promise to join hands in fighting against this dreaded disease. This was followed by Dr. Sajid Qureshi's talk on the mangement of breast cancer, he had flown from Mumbai especially for sharing his thoughts with us. Following this there was a play on women's empowerment in Indian society organised by artists from National School of Drama and Mr. M.K.Raina was present on this occasion to bless upcoming director Mr. Rakesh.

Shri M.S.Mani who is a renowned meditation master spoke elegantly about the role of meditation and mind controlling techniques to help us fight this disease as well as to ennoble us by coming near to ourselves. He followed this with a 45 min guided meditation session and help root out the stigmas of this disease and its ordeal from our psyche and oncer again fill us with laughter. Oh that reminds me, this was followed by a laughter session by Dr. Santosh Sahi and how well this was taken by the participants as the hall echoed with laughter, the aura was amazing! Mrs. Deepali Batra our clinical psychologist conducted a session on emotional and psychological healing, this was followed by a very informative and pertinent lecture by Mrs. Devika our dietician. The program was a roaring success and was all because of you!

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